Water Treatment & Management

Water treatment and management domain deals with the water quality assessment, treatment and management using IoT enabled nanobubble based advanced oxidation, aeration, aerobic digestion and dissolved air flotation unit in wastewater and comparing its performance with the existing methods.

Research Analysis

Design and development of IoT enabled nano-bubble technology units for water treatment

This research project deals with IoT in nanobubble based advanced oxidation, aeration, aerobic digestion and dissolved air flotation unit in wastewater treatment and comparing its performance with the existing unit. The rate of gas-liquid mass transfer is very crucial and essential for processes like aeration, advanced oxidation, and aerobic digestion, in wastewater treatment. The underlying principle behind the enhancement of the gas-liquid mass transfer is due to the high interfacial area and the high gas hold-up at nanoscale bubbles. This may lead to a reduction in the operating time of the process, and thus it is expected to be more economical.

Monitoring and treatment of rural domestic wastewater for aquaculture and irrigation using IoT enabled nanobubble technology

The significant contaminants in wastewater are oxygen-demanding waste indicated by higher BOD levels. It is to be noted that this water not only leads to deterioration of groundwater quality but also, severely affects agriculture production as it is used for irrigation purposes. One of the main objectives of this project are to develop a IoT enabled treatment technology using micro-nano bubbles. The fine solids, particulate matters, oil, etc., can be separated by absorbing at the charged bubble interface. Besides, it also sterilizes the microorganisms and degrades organic matters due to the generation of free radicals during the collapse of microbubbles.

IoT enabled system for irrigation of nanobubble water in agriculture

The recent development of nanobubble technology in aquaculture and hydroponic system leads significant contribution toward food security. Enabling IoTs in conjunction with nanobubble technology in agriculture irrigation system essentially promotes the plant growth and nutrient value significantly. In addition, nanobubble technology also enhance the seed germination rate.

Post-harvest cleaning of crops to eliminate pesticides integrated with IoTs

Several pesticides have been identified in the blood samples of Punjab farmers that has been linked to elevated health risk. One among those was Monocrotophos, a widely used organophosphate pesticide. The objectives of this project to use the nanobubble technology for cleaning vegetable and fruits at farm level.

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iHub – AWaDH is established by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, at the IIT-R in the framework of NM – ICPS with time-bound predefined deliverables.