AWaDH Newsletter Volume 1 Edition 21
The theme of the Month: Advancing Sustainability: CPS Innovation in Agriculture & Tech Education
The theme of the Month: Advancing Sustainability: CPS Innovation in Agriculture & Tech Education
The theme of the Month: “Promoting Innovation, Winning Impact: Awards, Standards, and Partnerships”
IIT Ropar Technology and Innovation Foundation (iHub – AWaDH) was glad to participate in VIVIBHA 2024, a three-day national conference organized by Bharatiya Shikshan MandalView More
The theme of the Month: “Leading India’s AI and Tech Revolution: Milestones in Agriculture, Sustainability, and Innovation”
The theme of the Month: “Empowering Innovation & Collaboration for a Technological Future”
The theme of the Month: “Innovating for Impact: CPS, Agri-Tech & Startup Growth”
The theme of the Month: “Pioneering Progress: Advances in Agriculture, Technology, and Sustainability”
The theme of the Month: “Fostering Growth: IoT Training, Research Advancements, and Industry Collaborations”
The theme of the Month: “A Journey in Transformative Education and Technological Advancement”
The theme of the Month: Innovation in Conservation and Cyber-Physical Systems: A New Era for Sustainable Agriculture and Technology Education